TortoiseGit versions

Manage source code revisions using Git from a Windows Shell interface
Nov 5, 2019
Aug 20, 2018
Editorial review
Feb 20, 2018
Jan 31, 2017
Jul 5, 2016
May 25, 2020
Mar 2, 2016
Jan 28, 2013
Jul 12, 2011
Jun 13, 2010

What's new

v2.9 [Nov 5, 2019]
- Support for Thesaurus was dropped.
- Thin-Pack option was dropped from fetch/pull dialog (enabled by default in Git).
- Fixed issue #3355: Adding file name extension in the Export dialog.
- Update Scintilla to 4.2.0.
- Update libgit to 2.22.0 based on Git for Windows sources.
- Update TortoiseGitPLink to PuTTY PLink 0.73 (security fix, cf.
- Update PuTTY binaries to 0.72.
- Allow to disable "Working Tree Changes" in log dialog (using advanced settings).
- Update Hunspell to 1.7.0.
- Fixed issue #3363: Add option to show unlabeled most recent common ancestor between all branches in Revision Graph.
- Fixed issue #3379: Super-project-pointer should show in revision graph of submodule.
- Fixed issue #3421: Option to show Log IDs instead of SHA-1 in TortoiseGitBlame.
- Fixed issue #3343: Provide a confirm dialog instead of executing the revert operation directly.
- Ref Browse: Show date and author of annotated tag as well.
- Show whitespaces in patch views.
- Fixed issue #3414: Allow users to not display all tags on revision graph.
- Add find functionality to revision graph.
- Fixed issue #3427: FileDiffDlg: Provide a way to view the diff for a pull request branch (in diff options).
- Fixed issue #3440: (GUI) Animation should stop when finished, not halt.
- Fixed issue #3395: TortoiseGit now uses the Windows "Default Application" framework for managing file associations and protocol handlers.
- Fixed issue #3436: Please document rolling back a file to a previous revision in Undo Changes.
Bug Fixes:
- Implement generic fix for "libgit2 returned the requested type does not match the type in ODB".
- Fixed issue #3342: Windows Explorer context menu: TortoiseGit doesn't recognize local Git working copy if "gitdir-redirection" is used within same folder.
- Fixed issue #3349: View patch missing color.
- Fixed issue #3365: Ignore items by extension handles files/directories with no extension poorly.
- Fixed issue #3393: TortoiseGitIDiff crashes with a very small window size.
- Fixed issue #3397: Create Repository make a useless symlink on Windows 10.
- Fixed issue #3413: Putty Agent (pageant) unable to start when file "C:\Program" exists.
- Fixed issue #3429: Optimize progress output with multiple git commands.
- Fixed issue #3434: Commit dialog's "View Patch>>" shows nothing when dialog's right border is on the screen's right border.
- Fix potential crashes in TortoiseGitBlame when .mailmap support was enabled.
- Fix potential crash when log is still calculating diffs and rebase dialog loads.
- Prevent possible crash after rebase when writing to reflog fails.
- Fixed issue #3426: Ref Browse: Speed up display when having thousands of refs.
- TortoiseGitMerge: When ignoring comments in TMerge, ignore comment block markers inside strings.
- Fix start commit hook not working for repository hooks.
- Fix potential crashes when log is still loading and submodule diff is requested.

v2.7 [Aug 20, 2018]
- Git (for Windows) 2.11 or newer is now required.
- Fixed issue #3186: Bisect skip missing on dialogs and in automation and bisect docs.
- Fixed issue #3188: Add progress support for submodule clone.
- Fixed issue #3212: With Detached Head, Push Dialog has Local Branch filled with HEAD or Commit Hash.
- Fixed issue #3223: Format Patch: Set From and To for single commits.
- Lots of high DPI improvements.
- Fixes issue #2635: The font of git log is too small.
- Fixed issue #3240: Allow changing the similarity index threshold (using the advanced option "DiffSimilarityIndexThreshold").
- Fixed issue #3227: Add support to git describe option --first-parent.
- Fixed issue #3187: Assume unchanged for submodule directory can't be undone in TGit.
- SyncDlg: Allow to open the separate dialog boxes for fetch, pull, push, stash changes and submodule update/sync when holding the shift key when clicking on the buttons.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue #3167: Crash when aborting cherry-picks.
- Fixed issue #3164: TortoiseGit crashing on commit (with racy git situation and git lfs).
- Fixed issue #2035: Can not un-check the menu item "Abort Merge" in Settings dialog.
- Fixed issue #3078: Faulty behaviour of "Commit" feature in "check for modifications".
- Fixed issue #3184: Committing asks for user data although they are set via includeif.
- Fixed issue #3193: Not able to set alternative editor.
- Fixed issue #3195: TGitMerge tool is not saving color to correct Windows registry location.
- Fixed issue #3194: Commit message control launches links on selection.
- Fixed issue #3202: Deletion of inactive branch inside not main working copy fails.
- Fixed issue #3200: Problem when adding files to a worktree which is based on a bare repo.
- Fixed issue #3201: Frequent TGitCache crashes.
- Fixed issue #3197: Bad generated path while renaming file with changing folder.
- Fixed issue #3211: Push from detached head not possible when no local branch exists.
- Fixed issue #3210: index.lock left behind after refreshing working tree changes when using Git LFS.
- Fixed issue #3234: Shortcuts for Up/Down still work while rebasing.
- Fixed issue #3239: Properly indicate processing in diff dialog.
- Fixed an regression which caused a major slowdown in TGitCache in repos with lots of unversioned files.

v2.6 [Feb 20, 2018]
- Fixed issue #3089: Show parent SHA1 on cherry picking a merge commit.
- Fixed issue #3052: Filename autocomplete in commit dialog ignores filenames starting with underscores.
- TortoiseGitMerge now uses native ribbon instead of MFC wrapped. This results in a noticeable speed up (cf. issue #1616) and also fixes issues with rounded corners for maximized windows (cf. issue #1767).
- Fixed issue #3107: Clean: Allow to remove orphaned submodules (i.e., clean -f -f).
- Fixed issue #3126: Add an option to show all refs of a commit in the log (all refs are shown now by default).
- Fixed issue #3116: Revision graph: add ability to delete branches.
- Fixed issue #3121: Create shorter branch names when checking out a commit.
- Update linked libraries:
- pcre to 8.41.
- apr to 1.6.3 and apr-util to 1.6.1.
- Commit now informs the user if there is a conflict hint in the commit message (line starting with "# Conflicts:").
- Fixed issue #3137: Add TortoiseGit to Win10 default program list.
- Fixed issue #3141: bisect: add good/bad continue options to progress dialog.
- Add support for github's new client protocol (x-github-client).
- Fixed issue #3160: Close TortoiseGitBlame window by ESC key (you might need to reset keyboard shortcut settings manually).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue #3029: LogDlg: Action column icons painted over Graph or message columns when turned off or resized.
- Fixed issue #3042: Spelling and grammar errors in First Start Wizard.
- Fixed issue #3035: TortoiseGit might crash in LogDlg after fetch or refreshing working tree status.
- Fixed issue #3050: TortoiseGitMerge UI: Context menu is not available on margin left to text any more.
- Fixed issue #3059: Right click in touch mode is not working.
- Fixed issue #3064: Commit dialog ignores "Select items automatically" when refreshing.
- Fixed issue #3036: Can not save changes in Settings -> Network after trying to add command-line option to the SSH-client.
- Fixed issue #3066: Message field needs vertical scrollbar in Create Tag dialog.
- Fixed issue #3033: Cannot view submodule log if repository sits under directory symlink.
Update libgit to 2.15 based on Git for Windows source.
- Fixed issue #3055: Explorer crash when deleting two independent folders.
- Fixed issue #3047: When Log Messages window is narrow, Filter box placeholder text may cover up the Filter Types button.
- Fixed issue #3090: Show Log window stuck with "Fetching changed files...".
- Fixed issue #3084: Improve info message for merge-doc.js and drop broken URL.
- Fixed issue #3085: merge-doc.js: Word 2007 does not make a three-way comparison and the documents are shown in wrong order.
- Fixed issue #3086: merge-doc.js: Merge document in word >=2010 leaves three open windows.
- Fixed issue #3096: Duplicate 'Save as...' context menu items appear when closing and opening 'View Patch' window.
- Fixed issue #3093: Icon overlay might show ignored directories containing files as modified.
- Fixed issue #3076: Commit dialog opens with incomplete rendering in Windows 7 classic theme.
- Fixed issue #3094: Diff command results in crash.
- Fixed issue #3041: Commit Window might freeze when clicking on the last modified header shortly after opening.
- Fixed issue #3061: MenuButton popup might show directly under mouse arrow.
- Fixed issue #3108: Versioned file in ignored folder causes wrong overlays.
- Fixed issue #3109: Bad greying out of outer paths (other paths with same prefix also match).
- Fixed issue #3132: Post commit hook doesn't show up on settings dialog.
- Fixed issue #2990: SendmailDlg: Don't auto select entries when using arrow keys.
- Fixed issue #3134: Deletion of submodule does not allow user to select the deleted (red) submodule on commit.
- Fixed issue #3138: "Check for modifications", "Revert" and other dialogs do not work after git update to version 2.16.0: "fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec".
- Fixed issue #3139: Git SSH operations do not work after git update to version 2.16.0 if ssh URL contains a port.
- Fixed issue #3143: Remember last selection of "Show nested refs" when browsing references.
- Fixed issue #3152: TortoiseGitMerge: Single pane view as default.
- Fixed issue #3158: TortoiseGitProc.exe hangs with 100% CPU when displaying commit window.
- Fixed issue #3153: "Failed to parse config file" if .gitconfig or .gitmodules use CRLF and contain blank lines.
- Fixed issue #3155: Can't parse config or .gitmodules files if the encoding is UTF-8 BOM.

v2.4 [Jan 31, 2017]
== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #2909: Commit window unclosable after clicking "No" and "do not ask again"
* Fixed issue #2911: Doing Add on repository root fails with libgit2 returned "invalid path"
* Fixed issue #2791: Start Bisect UI incomplete
* Update PuTTY to 0.68 (security fix, cf.
* Fixed issue #2935: Icon overlay not shown for files on network UNC paths
* Fix possible crash in TortoiseGitMerge when applying patch
= Release 2.4.0 =
Released: 2017-01-31
== Major change ==
* TGitCache and icon overlays are case sensitive now
== Features ==
* Fixed issue #2505: Add support for bisect skip
* Fixed issue #2757: Allow to use quotes in command line arguments, like /logmsg:"Some text ""Quoted text"" another text"
* Fixed issue #2849: Optimize include and exclude paths for context menu and overlay icons
We synced the include/exclude paths code with TortoiseSVN. Now you can exclude paths in an included path.
Some people might need to update their include/exclude paths, see our manual for more information.
* Fixed issue #2136: LogDlg: Indicate that the View and Walk Behavior buttons contain a menu
* Fixed issue #1635: Add option to set TortoiseGitMerge foreground text colors
* Fixed issue #2586: Integration of further hooks: pre-rebase and post-commit
* Fixed issue #2444: Drag and drop on commit dialog to include files in the list for committing
* Browse References Dialog: Allow to filter for merged and unmerged branches
* Fixed issue #2273: Remember the width of the "view patch" window
* Fixed issue #2710: Allow start-commit hook to prevent the Commit dialog from showing
* Fixed issue #2865: Clickable URLs in TortoiseGit output window
* Fixed issue #2154: Copy to clipboard function in show log window doesn't include annotated tag or notes messages
* Fixed issue #1668: Allow submodules to be removed ("Delete" is now available for submodules)
* Update libgit2 to 0.25.1
* The shipped libgit2 uses the CrLf filter logic from Git >= 2.9
* Fixed issue #2863: Increase text box size limit for command progress dialog and make it configurable
* Fixed issue #2274 and issue #2750: Add advanced option for controlling which date/time is used for squashed commits (setting: SquashDate)
1: Use date of last commit, 2: Use current date, 0: Use time of first commit into which others are squashed (default)
* Fixed issue #2633: Check for Modifications dialog doesn't refresh after commit
* Fixed issue #1656: Add "dcommit" to change sets in "log messages"
* Fixed issue #2741: TortoiseGitBlame: Allow to limit blame on first parents
* Fixed issue #2826: Highlight commit to which the parent repo points to in the log for submodules (named: super-project-pointer)
* Added a first start wizard which can be re-run from TortoiseGit settings
* Fixed issue #2593: Hitting escape closes the commit window without any attention message
* Fixed issue #2702: File selection dialog should not open for Add if only files are selected
* Fixed issue #1749: Create Patch Serial: Remember "Since" branch
* Fixed issue #2264: Insert new items into interactive rebase and cherry-pick process
* Fixed issue #2456: Allow to compare change sets in log
* Updated libgit to 2.11
* Updated pcre to 8.40
* Several high DPI optimizations
* Fixed issue #2889: TortoiseGitMerge: Show inline diffs in one-pane-view mode as well, at least for single line changes
* Fixed issue #2894: Enable/disable check boxes for hook scripts
* Enable/disable check boxes for bugtraq plugins
* Fixed issue #2283: Improve symbols for "Symbolize ref names"
* Fixed issue #2746: SubWCRev equivalent required: GitWCRev added
* Fixed issue #2082: RebaseDlg: Reorder commits via drag'n'drop
* Fixed issue #2210: Do not allow merging from the current branch to the current branch
== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #2837: Fixed layout issues on settings dialog
* Fixed issue #2839: The dialog "check for updates" has a resize issue
* Fixed issue #2845: Sticky button when resizing the "Rename dialog"
* Fixed issue #2846: Spell checker won't add unknown words to dictionary. The dictionaries are now saved as UTF-8.
If you have non ascii chars in your dictionary and want to keep those, you need to manually convert these to UTF-8.
The dictionaries can be found in %APPDATA%\TortoiseGit\*.dic.
* Fixed issue #2850: The installer does not completely support high-contrast-mode
* Fixed issue #2853: Commit message autocompletion failed sometimes for words with different casing
* Fixed issue #2851: Switching high-contrast-mode on or off, does not cause change of used UI colors
* Fixed issue #2829: Remembering the last selected line might not work when a conflict was manually resolved
* Fixed issue #2868: Show changes as unified diff might fail (using Cygwin git)
* /command:showcompare /unified did not honor path filters correctly

v2.0 [Mar 2, 2016]
== Changes ==
* Custom dictionaries are no longer loaded when located in %PROGRAMFILES%\TortoiseGit or %PROGRAMFILES%\TortoiseGit\bin-directory
Must be in %APPDATA%\TortoiseGit\dic or %PROGRAMFILES%\TortoiseGit\Languages folder (former has priority)
* Dropped TGitCacheCheckContent configuration setting, please use TGitCacheCheckContentMaxSize instead (settings will be automatically migrated)
* Pre- and post-push hooks do not get the path as first parameter any more
* Git for Windows 1.9.5 or newer is now required
* TortoiseGit now applies the same whitespace and new line sanitizing rules as git core for commit messages by default
* TortoiseGit now strips commented lines (starting with #) on commit messages by default
* We changed the version schema to X.Y.Z, where X is incremented for major changes, Y for every stable release, and Z!=0 represents preview releases
== Features ==
* Fixed issue #2641: Commit: Pre-select first item from "Changes made" list
* Allow to reset stored decisions (cf. issue #2640)
* Fixed issue #2643: Set branch description on its creation
* Fixed issue #1629: Have the push dialog opened via right-click in log default to branch that was actually clicked on
* Update TortoiseGitPlink to version 0.66
* Fixed issue #943: Allow to use keyboard shortcuts in Git progress dialog (e.g., ALT R for ReCommit after commit)
* Fixed issue #2314: Allow to preserve merges on rebase
* Fixed issue #2673: Display tracked remote URL in folder properties
* Fixed issue #2630: TGitBlame: Allow to blame files of different working trees w/o restarting
* Fixed issue #2679: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar is shown in case logwidthmarker is set
* Rebase dialog now honors rebase.autostash=true
* Fixed issue #2270: Print a warning on a merge commit, so that changes are not unchecked unintentionally
* Fixed issue #2310: Add support for notes.rewrite.rebase
* Fixed issue #2629: "Browse References Dialog" save sort column order
* Fixed issue #2678: Filter out special ref names in log graph
* Fixed issue #2692: Add support for pull.rebase and
* Fixed issue #2701: Add and Revert should respect Autoclose settings and not show any dialog boxes
Maybe we introduce finer grained auto close levels later.
* Fixed issue #1899: Support cherry-picking merge revisions
* Fixed issue #2551: Allow to create patches w/o a/ and b/ prefixes
* Fixed issue #2302: One button to do Commit & push
* Fixed issue #527: Fix the dialog after commit for us to be able to continue committing
* Fixed issue #2697: Display "In Commits" and "In ChangeList" tabs for Fetch&Rebase in Sync dialog
* Fixed issue #2484: Recursive option is not remembered in clone dialog
* Fixed issue #2259: SyncDlg: Allow to fetch all remote references of a specific remote instead of a single branch (Fetch all refs)
* Fixed issue #1130: Sync dialog forgets the remote branch every time (ask whether to store a tracked branch)
== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #2647: TortoiseGitBlame does not display files correctly with mixed line endings (such as CRCRLF)
* Fixed issue #2650: Empty ListViews drawing issue
* Fixed issue #2662: Border line in commit text boxes is shown 2 characters past the specified width
* Fixed issue #2660: No colors in git.exe progress dialog since 1.8.16
* Fixed issue #2646: Library broken in Windows 10
* Fixed issue #2670: LogDlg: cannot paste to "Filter paths"
* Fixed issue #2676: Swapped Theirs and Mine in Edit conflicts outside of rebase dialog on rebasing
* Fixed issue #2690: Failed to Show log from repository browser when that repository is located on a drive
* Fixed issue #2655: Resolve does not work on multiple selection during deleted-modifed conflict resolution
* Fixed issue #2668: TortoiseGit commit with git-lfs files, show me a error: ".git/index.lock" file exist
* Fixed issue #2638: TGitCache crashes on a broken repo (out of bounds read in libgit2)

v1.8 [Jan 28, 2013]
-fixed: Search by email in Log window .
-fixed: Easier navigation in revision graph with mouse.
-Fixed bugs:
-Changing Search criteria with empty search field refreshes log content.
-Apply Patch serial can't open file dialog on WinXP.
-Could not parse git.exe version number.
-TortoiseGitMerge: Ribbon UI/toolbars can be toggled.
-TortoiseGit gets the wrong revision if the branch name looks like git-describe format.
-TortoiseGitPLink does not work with interactive ssh logins.
-Commit Dialog autocompletion does not work for some pattern.

v1.7 [Jul 12, 2011]
64bit tortoisegit have included 32bit explore extension after .

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